Smart city
Ålesund company Cyan Energy revolutionizes electric vehicle charging
Ålesund-based Cyan Energy has developed a groundbreaking charging station that produces its own energy from hydrogen, solar, and wind. This innovative solution promises charging times that electric vehicle owners today can only dream of.
Combining sail and crane in one machine
A ship’s crane which can double up as a sail when not being used for lifting is being developed by Kristiansand-based Nekkar. That will provide additional propulsion for the vessel and reduce fuel consumption.
Carbon capture and storage
Injecting carbon dioxide directly from ship to reservoir
Nemo Maritime is drawing on experience with offshore loading on oil fields to develop a solution for shipborne transport of liquefied CO2 to be injected directly into a storage formation.
Carbon capture and storage
Environment-friendly carbon capture
Inspired by the Paris agreement, GreenCap Solutions (GCS) has come up with a sustainable technology for carbon capture which generates no harmful waste.
New solution for subsea lifting
Beluga Subsea wanted to do something about the eternal challenge of lifting under water without cranes or gasbags, and came up with a completely new way of approaching the problem.
Health and medicine
Turning diver technology to treating stroke patients
Solutions developed for diving are being applied by NUI AS to help post-stroke rehabilitation, cancer patients and people with damage to tissues and the central nervous system.